Category: Vaccination

  • Difteria : Apa anda perlu tahu

    Penyakit ini sepatutnya sudah hilang dan dikawal dengan baik kerana program vaksinasi yang berjaya. Sebelum vaksin untuk difteria diperkenalkan, penyakit ini merupakan salah satu punca utama kematian kanak-kanak di seluruh dunia. Selepas vaksin diberikan kepada bayi melalui program immunisasi kebangsaan, masalah ini jarang dilihat. Ramai daripada generasi doktor baru seperti kami sebenarnya tidak pernah merawat […]

  • Immunisasi BCG

    Soalan: Mohon doktor berikan pencerahan tentang vaksin BCG. Immunisasi BCG: 1) Apakah beza di antara vaksin dan immunisasi? Immunisasi bermaksud proses memberi vaksin kepada bayi untuk mencegah sebarang penyakit berjangkit. Vaksin pula ialah bakteria/virus yang telah dilemahkan atau mati yang disuntik atau diberi secara oral kepada kanak-kanak untuk merangsang sistem imun badan untuk menghasilkan antibodi terhadap […]

  • [Q&A] Can cancer patients who are going through chemo meet up with individuals recently vaccinated with live virus vaccines?

    Question: Can cancer patients going through chemo or immunocompromised individuals, meet up with those recently vaccinated with live virus vaccines like the MMR, oral polio, rotavirus, varicella and nasal flu? Answer: Those who were recently vaccinated with live vaccines should avoid contact with immunocompromised individuals. Live vaccines is not suitable for immunocompromised individuals, and may […]

  • [Q&A] Vaksin Chicken Pox

    Question: Salam doktor.. Saya nak tanya berkenaan status vaksin chicken pox varivax yang dikatakan menpunyai unsur babi. Benarkah demikian dan bolehkah umat Islam mengambilnya? Ada pendapat mengatakan ia dibolehkan kerana tujuan perubatan dan bukan dalam bentuk asal. Mungkin boleh bantu kemuskilan saya ni. Terima kasih (Sue) Answer: Oleh kerana di negara ini pada masa sekarang kami tidak mempunyai […]

  • [Q&A] HPV injection – Safe?

    Question: Dear Doctor, Would like to find out, 1: Is it save for my daughter to go for HPV injection ? 2: Is there any side effect to our health ? 3: What are the symptom after go for 1st dose ~ 3rd dose the injection ? Answer: 1. Human Papilloma Virus vaccination is approved and found to […]

  • [Q&A] Vaksin BCG

    Question: Doc, anak saya kini 5bulan 4minggu and di dalam buku vaksination tertera telah di suntik BCG semasa lahir. Tapi sehingga kini tiada scar/nanah or any symptom that she had that injections before. bile tanya Klinik kesihatan since 1st month, they said will wait n see next month till now. no symptom or tanda2. Adakah kena […]

  • [Q&A] Is MMR booster jab required prior to 7 years old?

    Question: Hi Doc.. My girl (5yrs 4mths) was given the booster jab for Chicken Pox recently. But according to the Pediatrician, she needs to be given another booster jab for MMR as well. According to the immunisation schedule, once the child reach 7yrs old, they’ll be given booster jab for MMR right? So, is it necessary to […]

  • [Q&A] MMR booster jab

    Question: My girl (5yrs 4mths) was given the booster jab for Chicken Pox recently. But according to the Pediatrician, she needs to be given another booster jab for MMR as well. According to the immunisation schedule, once the child reach 7yrs old, they�ll be given booster jab for MMR right? So, is it necessary to take […]

  • [Q&A] Pus at injection site

    Question: My girl 48 days. Get 2nd dose hep B at 1 month on her thigh. Her arm injection site started to inflammed after a week plus. Then, come out pus in green yellowish. She has no fever. Is this serious to bring to see doctor? Could i hand press to clear the pus? (Saw) Answer: Puan Saw, […]

  • [Q&A] Rotavirus

    Question: Hi, anak saya sudah 5 month plus. Masih boleh ambil rotavirus vaksin tak? (belle) Answer: Puan, this is the ACIP guideline on Rotavirus 1) Do not start the rotavirus vaccine series before 6 weeks of age. 2) Do not start the rotavirus vaccine series after a child has reached 14 weeks, 6 days. In other words, […]