Category: Growth & Development
How Should We Respond to Autism?
What has autism got to do with me? Why is it important that I should be aware of autism? You may be unsure of the answers to the above questions but how we respond to autism is important because it can make a difference to the lives of individuals with autism and their families. According […]
Anak saya lewat perkembangan ?
Q: Doktor, mohon penerangan tentang maksud sebenar lewat perkembangan? Bilakah yang dikatakan seseorang bayi itu lewat perkembangannya? Anak saya berusia 1 tahun 4 bulan dan masih belum berjalan. Kalau dibandingkan dengan sepupu-sepupunya, mereka berjalan pada usia 10-11 bulan. Kawan-kawan ofis saya pula, katanya anak-anak mereka berjalan dalam usia setahun kebanyakannya. Anak saya aktif dan sihat, […]
Autism Awareness Month : How to teach a child with autism?
Applied Behaviour Analysis, commonly known as ‘ABA’, is a systematic method of used to support and/or improve behaviour to a meaningful degree. An ABA program is a systematic teaching approach that uses methods of behavioural psychology including discrete trial and positive reinforcement to analyse information and behaviour, in order to systematically teach new skills. ABA […]
Autism Awareness Month : Managing Challenging Behaviour
POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT Positive behaviour supports principles that regard a right of a child to be treated with dignity. It focuses on a child’s overall success, not just the challenging behaviours. When dealing with a challenging behaviour, positive behaviour support implies that there is a reason behind most inappropriate behaviours or face difficulties in acquiring […]
Hari Kesedaran Autisme 2015
HARI KESEDARAN AUTISME 2015 , April 19 2015, Fakulti Pendidikan UKM Mari kita bersama menyokong, mendidik, membela dan menyayangi
Autism Awareness Month : Treatment Options for Autism Spectrum Disorders
GOLD STANDARD TREATMENT: APPLIED BEHAVIOURAL ANALYSIS (ABA) According to Schreck & Miller’s (2010) research, “Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) has been extensively documented by researchers, national and state governments, and the US Surgeon General as the gold standard and most empirically validated of treatments for autism spectrum disorders”. ABA is in essence the only teaching […]
[Q&A] Growth & Development
Question: Salam ada soalan berkaitan anak sy yg berumur 3 bulan lebih. Bayi sy minum susu formula s26, kenaikan berat badannya 900g-1kg sebulan. Apa yg membimbangkan sy ialah bayi sy sekarang tidak mahu minum susu sekerap dlu n sering tak habis minum susu..adakah kerana bayi sy muak dgn susu tersebut dan perlu menukar susu […]
[Q&A] Psychological or health problems?
Question: Dear doctor? My boy is 5 years old now. He was very happy to go to school last year. However around 2 months ago, he start getting “cranky” we reach school and at home. Normally, he pass motion 1-2 time every day, but he pass-motion 3-5 times per day since that time. I don’t […]
[Q&A] Masalah kesihatan bayi berumur sebulan
Question: Assalam doktor, Anak saya ketika dilahirkan beratnya ialah 3.17 kg. ketika timbang pada umur 3 minggu beratnya hanya 3.3 kg. 3 hari kebelakangan ini bayi saya kurang tidur sama ada siang atau malam. Menyusu sangat kuat, kencing dan berak pula normal sebanyak 4-8 kali sehari. Tetapi untuk dia berak kadang2 dia seperti struggle. Maksud […]
[Q&A] Masalah Perkembangan Anak
Question: Hi Doctor, saya mempunyai masalah dengan anak kedua saya yang berumur 6thn. Saya merasakan perkembangan anak saya ini sedikit lambat matang berbanding anak saya yg pertama. Dia agak kurang keyakinan diri,selalu bersendiri dan kurang berkomunikasi dgn kami. Dari segi belajar dia sudah blh membaca, tetapi sangat tidak fokus dan sgt susah untuk mengingati sesuatu yg […]