A lumbar puncture is a procedure done to collect spinal fluid for the purpose of analysis to look for evidence of meningitis. There are other indications that are less common.
Dalam bahasa Melayu, lumbar puncture kerap dikenali sebagai ‘ cucuk air tulang belakang’. Ia sebenarnya suatu prosedur untuk mendapatkan air dalam selaput otak dengan mencucuk di ruang diantara dua tulang belakang untuk mendapatkan sampel cecair saraf, bagi tujuan memeriksa untuk jangkitan kuman di selaput otak. ( Jangan terkeliru dengan ujian sumsum tulang (bone marrow aspiration).
Therefore we would like to know whether if you were to be asked for consent for a lumbar puncture to be done to your child who is suspected to have meningitis, would you say yes?
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6 responses to “Apa pendapat anda tentang ‘Lumbar puncture’ ?”
[…] Yes or No to Lumbar Puncture? Apa Pendapat Anda ? – Doktorbudak.com […]
[…] Yes or No to Lumbar Puncture? Apa Pendapat Anda ? – Doktorbudak.com […]
Yes for me… My son had gone thru this procedure when he was 10 days old. This is due to he had high jaundice at about 500++. Before that he done his blood change process. At first it’s hard for me to say yes because a lot of people around me said ‘anak akan jadi cacat’ dan macam2 lagi. But when the doctor explained the process is to ensure the kuman not spread to his brain and its not going to make my son cacat so I sign the agreement with pray to Allah nothing going to happen to my baby. Alhamdulillah he is now 6 years old healthy boy.
Ape kebaikan dan keburukan proses ini?
Soalan ini akan dijawab dalam artikel mengenai lumbar puncture. coming soon.
is there any other ways to detect meningitis, other than this procedure?