Tag: Speech Therapy
Parents of children with Autism – the unsung heroes
Stories of the Unsung Heroes and Their Children April is Autism Awareness month. Much has been done by many practitioners, organisations and parents to highlight autism to the public. I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the unsung heroes that I had the pleasure of working with– parents and caregivers of […]
Bagaimana menolong murid saya yang sengau (hypernasal speech) ?
Q: Salam, saya guru sekolah rendah di kawasan luar bandar. Tahun ni seorang murid saya menghadapi masalah pertuturan iaitu sengau. Menurut ibu murid, murid lahir normal sehingga umur 5 tahun. Murid tersebut mempunyai masalah tonsil dan dibedah. Setelah itu murid tersebut mengalami trauma di mana dia enggan bertutur selama hampir setahun. Hasil speech therapy bersama […]
Pronunciation difficulties in children
Q: Hi. It’s really good to have a speech therapist here. My daughter, she’s 8 and has difficulty to pronounce the letter “R” . Everytime it just came out as “aghh” . Sometimes, people made fun of it and she’d come to me and asked why she has that problem.My questions are : 1. What […]
“Late Talkers” : Anak saya lambat bercakap
Q1: Hi Ms. Yong, Anak lelaki saya berusia 2 tahun 8 bulan. Dia langsung tidak mahu bercakap dan hanya mengeluarkan bunyi seperti ” ak ak” “uk uk”. Beliau tidak mempunyai masalah pendengaran kerana boleh mendengar arahan dengan baik. Suruh sahaja apa-apa pun dan dia akan buat. Saya tahu dia boleh bercakap kerana kadangkala dia akan mengikut […]
Speech Therapist in the house
It is common for a person to be uncertain about their choice of career, on what to pursue in tertiary education. Ms. Yong Ennie was not one of those people. She was very sure that she wanted to be a speech therapist, and was ready to go through ups and downs to be one. And […]