Category: Skin

  • [Q&A] Masalah Kulit atau Eczema?

    Question: Saya mama kepada anak kembar perempuan berusia 3 tahun. Sekarang ini anak kembar saya yang ke-2 sedang mengalami masalah pada kulit di mana kulit kepala dan lehernya berkuping dan mengeluarkan cecair berbau. Saya tidak pasti sama ada itu eczema atau tidak. Saya telah rujuk pada GH dan doc mengatakan jangkitan kuman dan hanya memberikan antibiotik […]

  • [Q&A] Baby bibir lebam

    Question: Anak saya baru berusia sebulan lebih, lately bibir anak saya di bahagian tepi menjadi hitam seperti lebam. adakah di sebab kn alergi ataupun lain? adakah saya perlu membawa anak saya berjumpa dengan doctor utk pemeriksaan lanjut . anak sy fully breastfeed. tq in advance. (Ila Mhd Noor) Answer: Hi Ila. Memandangkan kami tidak dapat memeriksa sendiri […]

  • [Q&A] Pubic Itchy And Redness

    Question: 2 year old daughter complained itchiness on the pubic area. she is not wearing diapers anymore, after she urinate, we will clean it with tissue. we tried to apply rashes cream but there is no improvement. redness can be seen around the pubic area. is it dangerous? should I bring her to see doc? Answer: I […]

  • [Q&A] Baby’s Belly Button Turns Red

    Question: Hi, My 5 months old daughter’s belly button turns red; not too red just mild one few times in a month since she is 2 months old. And it also do not have any weird smell. Do I need to get worry? Answer: Hi Nuriah, From what u have told me, I assumed your baby has […]

  • Nails infection in children

    Question: Hi doctors. I have an 8 mths baby girl who is having an infections to her all 10 finger nails. Those infected nails will finally end-up with smelly pus under the nails. My questions are i) what type of infection & what is the best medicine? Is it okay to feed her with oral […]

  • [Q&A] Albumin and protein

    Question: Dear doc, My 5.5mo baby girl has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma and has undergoing chemotherapy regime for 3 cycle already. My baby is exclusive breastfeed. Her LFT result last week shows albumin in her blood only 19. Should I be worried? How could I increase it. It was not a problem before this. She […]

  • [Q&A] Ruam susu

    Question: salam, anak sy mengalami ruam susu sejak berumur 1+ bulan. sekarang sudah 7 bulan sy campur dgn susu fm kambing. jika sy termakan makanan seafood, ruam akan naik balik. skrg saya cuba elakkan makanan seafood. soalan saya, adakah elok untuk saya meneruskan bf untuk anak saya atau hanya berikan susu fm sahaja? Answer: Susu ibu adalah […]

  • [Q&A] Hemangioma

    Question: Do you know any doctor who specialize in Hemangioma? Answer: Haemangiomas are commonly managed by paediatric dermatologists, particularly if they are large, segmented, over the face and complicated. However small uncomplicated haemangiomas that are isolated over body or hands or legs can be managed and monitored by general paediatricians.

  • [Q&A] Kulit Bintik-bintik

    Question: Salam. Anak saya berusia 1 tahun 2 bulan. Semenjak 28 Julai 2014, anak saya mengalami bintik2 merah di anggota badan. Pada mulanya, bintik2 tu hanya di bhgn abdomen. Sekrg ia ke bhgn kaki & tangan. Walaupun sudah berkurangan, tetapi ia masih ade dan berwarna merah. Apa yg merisaukan, ia adakala timbul banyak di bahagian bawah ketiak, […]

  • [Q&A] Nails Infection Amongst Baby

    Question: Hi doctors. I have an 8 mths baby girl who is having an infections to her all 10 finger nails. Those infected nails will finally end-up with smelly pus under the nails. My questions are i) what type of infection & what is the best medicine? Is it okay to feed her with oral medicine? […]