Question: Hi doc.I noticed my 2y.o daughter always had quite bad local skin reaction towards insect bites..I don’t know what kind of insects that really like to bite my daughter because she will developed big skin swelling with punctum,warm,red,a bit fluctuating and serous discharge..sometimes it’s became bullous at bite will slowly subside within 5 to 7 days..and it’s recurrent! But at different site of there any special ointment medication for this caused I’m usually just applied ‘mopiko’ to it but it’s turned into very ugly dark marks..please help me. (Ida)
Answer: Some children are more prone to bites and respond greater to them compared with other children. These condition usually improves as the child grows older . When the bite happens, u can apply mild steroid cream to reduce the redness and itchiness. If the itchiness is bad, u may want to give some antihistamine to reduce the scratching. If your child scratches less, the marks thereafter will be better as well. The dark marks will gradually become lighter and eventually fades with time. Apart from these there is nothing much u can do to help though.
One response to “[Q&A] Local allergy reaction secondary to insect bite”
Hi doc. Anak saya berumur 19 bulan. sejak pertengahan Mac lepas , kulit tangan anak saya dinaiki biji2 ruam. saya mengesyaki beliau alah pada mainan tertentu yang kemudiannaya saya telah buang. pada mulanya saya just ignore sebab biji2 ruam itu terlampau sedikit. bagaimanapun selepas seminggu, ia telah bertambah dan saya rujuk ke klinik berhampiran. doctor memberinya ubat sapu Betamethasone cream dan ubat minum. tapi tiada perubahan, ruam terus merebak lebih banyak dan anak saya mula menggaru. seminggu kemudian, melihat tiada perubahan positif, saya menyapu Win-Aqueous cream di tangannya dan kelihatan lebih baik. bagaimana pun ia hanya menghentikan kegatalan itu seketika. apabila terlupa atau anak saya berpeluh selepas main, dia kembali gatal. Apakah kemungkinan punca2nya? adakah mungkin dia dijangkiti cacing semasa mengikut saya berkebun dihalaman? biji2 seperti ruam hanya naik di sekitar belakang tangan dan mula merebak ke lengan. sabun mandi beliau pakai jenama yang sama sejak lahir. dan sebelum ini tiada alahan apa2. harap doktor boleh bantu. terima kasih.