Give a Vote for DoktorBudak

An annual award that recognises the ones who are idea generators for Internet greatness, filling the web with high-potential business ventures, powerful people-centric content, community-based creativity and much more BIG stuff!

Dear Readers and friends of ,

We are participating in the Digi WWWOW Awards and we would like to invite you to VOTE for us.

Since we started in July 2013, we have been generating content on the Internet that creates awareness on child health amongst Malaysian parents. Most importantly, we have provided an avenue in the Internet for you to ask us questions on child health. We believe in the simplicity and beauty of the Internet to reach out to parents out there who may otherwise be still dwelling in doubt and anxiety about their kids.

So friends, VOTE for us by clicking here : I want to VOTE for DOKTORBUDAK

and share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. If you think is worthy of of this award, vote for us now. Thank you 🙂


