Category: Guest Writer

  • Autism & I

    Assalammuaikum and good morning to all. My name is Khairul Hazim bin Zainudin. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum) when I was 6 years old. Initially I went to a regular school. Despite being able to read and write, I was bullied in class, as I did not know how to socialise. So […]

  • Is it necessary to bathe your new-born every day?

    Babies need to be kept clean, but frequent baths or over-cleaning can damage a new-born’s delicate skin. To properly care for your baby’s skin first you must understand some facts about your baby’s skin. Many parents often wonder, how often should I bathe my baby? Do I really need to give him regular baths? How […]

  • [Preview] Autism & I

    My name is Khairul Hazim bin Zainudin. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum) when I was 6 years old. Hazim’s article will be published on 13 January 2015, at 5pm. Please stay tuned.

  • Crying-In-Arms vs Crying-It-Out Approach

    Once you have become a parent, you will know just how much sleep is affected with the arrival of a newborn. This is normal and expected as newborns are required to feed at about every 3 hours round the clock. But what happens when your baby is now a lot bigger, taking solids yet you […]

  • Arrival of new sibling affecting your child’s sleep

    There are times when the cause of stress in children is specific, known, traumatic event. In fact, children experience many such events in their daily lives. Some are mild, such as a friendly puppy jumps on a child and frightens her. Other traumas are more severe, such as long hospitalization following an illness, death of […]

  • What It Means to Be a Child in Gaza

    The first thing that struck me whilst in Gaza, was how young people were everywhere. Over half of the population in Gaza is under 18 years old, making it one of the youngest populations in the world. I clearly remember seeing kids, literally, just everywhere I went. They were running around in the streets, chasing […]