Category: Announcements
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Dear readers of, Today is the 17th day since we launched this website, and we truly enjoy the experience of interacting with you and writing articles that answers your questions. We are happy to receive your positive feedback, and also glad to see many questions coming in. We now have more than 50,000 hits […]
Day 2 of
Dear friends and visitors of , We are excited and somewhat overwhelmed by the response and number of questions that we received from emails and the facebook page. This website is still a work in progress, and we apologise for any hiccups and delays. is basically a Q&A blog. The aim is to […]
Thank you for your questions and feedback
We hope to produce blog posts that answers the following questions, really soon. Example of questions that we received since launching yesterday were as follow:- 1) ” Salam, my baby skrg 11months. Masa dia 2bulan stgh, dia pernah amik vaksin pneumococcal. The next day tu die demam sehari then batuk berkahak lebih dr seminggu. Doc […]
Send us your Questions !
We are a group of paediatricians in Malaysia who would like to create an online avenue for parents to ask questions about child healthcare. We work with babies and children and we often meet anxious parents who have many questions and we acknowledge that they are all pertinent questions. Parents do need good information to […]